Monday, May 18, 2015

Keep Calm and Travel On...

I know for someone with 3 little children, we do travel quite a bit. Trust me it ain't easy but I'm currently at that "exploring stage". I don't care if it is  a trip in the country or out of Malaysia, I just want to see new things and expose my children to new experience/places. I would willingly eat out of my brown bag everyday if it means more travel opportunities :p. 

Some people may think that it is a waste of money as they would rather buy new bags/ gadget etc but I really do believe in the quote that "travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer". 

You'll be surprised of the impact travelling has on little minds. Little children are actually able to absorbed new cultures like a sponge and it made them very inquisitive and will open their eyes and hearts to the different cultures/races/religion around the world. Hopefully it will be less "kau-kau and aku-aku" mentality from my children. Inshaallah. 

Oh well, maybe one day I'll be able to visit more of those "exotic" destinations with my family, as for now I'm more than contend with my "Cuti-Cuti Malaysia" adventures. Finally completed the entries of my hotel reviews and travel diary of the following places I've been for the past 3 months. 
  1. iCity- City of Digital Lights
  2. Bagan Lalang Adventure and Avani Sepang Hotel Review
  3. Hatten Hotel Malacca Review
  4. Malacca Foodpedition
So any ideas of where I shall visit next???

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