Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bipolar Itchiness :p

I guess I've been MIA for the past weeks. Don't really feel like updating my blog or FB status, though I do make the effort to tweet once in a while. I guess tweeting takes lesser effort.

So what's new?? I'm schedule for a c-section on 131211. Both babies are in a breech position so after thorough discussion with my gynea + hubby we decided that is the best way to go. Both babies are healthy and have passed the 2.5kg mark and am now over 37 weeks old *alhamdullilah*

Anyway things have been pretty uneventful up till last week when I caught a bad case of dermatitis (caused by pregnancy hormones). The itchiness was CRAZY and my scratching aggravated the condition and me eating a bunch of crabs triggered an allergic reaction and later some infection of water blisters on my leg. Drama :p the blisters was as big as a 50cent coins and I can barely walked. My gynea referred me to a skin specialist and after a round of meds, lotions and antibiotics, alhamdullilah I'm doing so much better :)

Was feeling a bit down when all these was happening. Normal I guess when you're carrying a 5kg load on your belly, pain in your legs and kena melayan a 2 year old who's acting out for attention.

My mood was awful on da first day of treatment and patience was running a bit thin that I did lose my temper at Ryan once or twice. I felt bad afterwards and him being him did not hold grudges :p Anyway my mum told me to be patient and Allah won't test me if he don't think I can take it.

That got me thinking hard, why am I sitting there feeling bad for myself when I had an almost perfect 34 weeks of pregnancy. Some people got it so much worst with morning sickness, complications etc. My colleague even told me she suffered an almost similar condition for 4months of pregnancy. For someone who's carrying twins I got it pretty easy. Anyway nothing that is truly worth it comes easy, right? If this is the small price I have to pay before I'll get to hold the twins in my arms I will gladly take it.

As cliché as it may sound, the positiveness really help. My road to recovery have been great so far. My skin is 70% back to normal condition and full recovery will probably be after birth since it is due to hormones.

Don't know if I'll be blogging more this week but do pray for our safety and really can't wait to meet my little munchkins next week *insyallah* Till then take care *hugz*

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