Ryan 2 Months 3 weeks Developments
Sometimes when Ryan is in one of his good mood, and when I see him kicking and trying to turn (mengiring) I’ll help him and roll him around the bed. Based on my reading it will help him turn faster (konon-lah) but Ryan seems to like it… dia rasa lawak pastu buat muka pening ;p but now cheeky cheeks has a new trick, he’ll refused to turn on his own. He’ll kick real high and sengih-sengih in my direction mintak I push him.
He loves to stand on his feet and try to “walk”. According to the older generation, this practice is not good as his bone is not strong enough but he’ll be so pissed off if he’s stuck in his stroller or cot for a long time stationary. He loves his “standing” and “sitting” position. I guess he loves getting a wider view of things. Baby don’t try to be a biggie boy so fast ok, you’re growing so fast I can’t catch up: p
Tummy Tummy Biggie Tummy
He loves to stand on his feet and try to “walk”. According to the older generation, this practice is not good as his bone is not strong enough but he’ll be so pissed off if he’s stuck in his stroller or cot for a long time stationary. He loves his “standing” and “sitting” position. I guess he loves getting a wider view of things. Baby don’t try to be a biggie boy so fast ok, you’re growing so fast I can’t catch up: p
Tummy Tummy Biggie Tummy
Ryan hates his tummy time and we all know how important it is in order to ensure easier crawling later on. He doesn’t mind being put on his tummy during naps, but he gets easily frustrated while playing on his tummy. So I’m thinking of getting him the Lamaze Spin & Explore Garden Gym. Maybe if it’s more fun and less strenuous on his part he’ll enjoy tummy time more… He already has 2 play mats courtesy of Suja and Kel-wa so don’t know if we should get him a third one. His grandma sibuk suruh beli, since there’s none at home in Klang, since I put one in Shah Alam and the other kat Jalan Kebun. Susah betul banyak rumah ni…

Ryan loves it when we read to him. He think my weird accents and melodramatic over acting funny. His favorite story is Emperor’s New Clothes (Mak long’s nick name to him as he’s always in a new clothes) and 3 Little Pigs (he finds the whole ‘I huff and I puff” line hilarious). He also loves to listen to his grandma mengaji, he can sit next to her while she finishes of one juzuk, smiling and rarely crying. Good boy… These are some of the books we have bought for him so far, I’m trying to encourage his love for reading very early on.

This is a very good book if you're trying to expose you're baby to Kisah Nabi in English, a bit pricier than normal BM Version though.
Mari Belajar Membaca :)
Hehehe we’re also teaching him to read (yes poyo, I know) When we read to babies, it seems that though they recognize the sound of the words, the word itself is not familiar to them as we encourage them to listen but not to “look –read” the words.
I bought Ryan the flashcards from the “How to teach your baby to read series” It’s a fun activity between Ryan, Lan and I. It’s easy to do to. Just read the cards, pointing from left to right on the words and say “This is the word CAT”. After that you just give a description of the word. For example “My cat is yellow”. If the method works we're going to teach him the IQRA'
I don’t know if these above methods work, but at the moment I’m working on a clean slate. So I have nothing to lose since the books can be used till he’s 4 years old. Insyallah some lesson might stick on. Anyway since Lan and I don’t get to spend a lot of time with Ryan during weekdays, spending at least one hour per night doing the above activities is the best way for all of us to bond.
Our QUALITY TIME together. I look forward to the end of every day where I can spend the night with the 2 men in my life… heheheh
Hehehe we’re also teaching him to read (yes poyo, I know) When we read to babies, it seems that though they recognize the sound of the words, the word itself is not familiar to them as we encourage them to listen but not to “look –read” the words.
I bought Ryan the flashcards from the “How to teach your baby to read series” It’s a fun activity between Ryan, Lan and I. It’s easy to do to. Just read the cards, pointing from left to right on the words and say “This is the word CAT”. After that you just give a description of the word. For example “My cat is yellow”. If the method works we're going to teach him the IQRA'
I don’t know if these above methods work, but at the moment I’m working on a clean slate. So I have nothing to lose since the books can be used till he’s 4 years old. Insyallah some lesson might stick on. Anyway since Lan and I don’t get to spend a lot of time with Ryan during weekdays, spending at least one hour per night doing the above activities is the best way for all of us to bond.
Our QUALITY TIME together. I look forward to the end of every day where I can spend the night with the 2 men in my life… heheheh
1 comment:
Darls, only you will come up with things like teaching Ryan how to read
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