Friday, October 14, 2011

Party Planning : Ryan's Turning Two :)

I love planning parties :)

I love researching for party ideas, D.I.Y deco's projects, coming up with themes.I will actually sit on my ass for 2 hours to make 50 personalized paper bags because I truly love the creative process. The results takdela cantik mana pun but there's a feeling of pure satisfaction for going the extra mile for someone you truly care about.

Anyway Ryan's 2nd Birthday is about 2 months away.We're not planning on a big bash but just a small celebration at home and another mini celebration in school which consist of preparing party favours for his "classmates" and teachers.

I'm a bit freaked out because Ryan's birthday will fall during my pantang period, which means I won't be free to go out of the house to get things done. However, I will not use that as an excuse to not make the extra effort to make 20th December 2011 special.I don't want Ryan to feel sideline by the arrival of his siblings.

Hubby pointed out that our son can't even tell the time much less the date of his birthday so I shouldn't worry :p (haha) Anyway, Lan also pointed out that I can always order the cakes online (like I've been doing all along), designed the box/bag favours first and he and my parents can always go get the other stuff for me later. But because I'm crazy, we actually have conversation that sounds like this:

Me: "But what if you got the wrong box/colour/brand/Milo kotak?"
Lan: "How can I get the wrong type of Milo kotak?? Why can't you just tell me the exact colour/brand etc and I will get it for you"
Me: "What if they don't have the particular thing I wanted and I can't be there to make the decision blah blah blah.."
Lan: *looks confused* "Tiba2 the whole of Klang will be sold out of the box you wanted because you're not there??? B, I tell you what, apa kata you pergi beli all the kotak/jajan/milo now and store it at our house. That way you'll get to CHOOSE apa yang you nak"

Hehehe I think by that time Lan has lost interest in our pointless conversation and dah malas nak layan. I know he was being sarcastic but that is what I'm planning to do anyway.

Last year's Birthday Theme: Sesame Street

This year's top 3 choices: Dinosaurs, Cars2 or Upin & Ipin

I'm leaning toward Upin and Ipin for school (sebab most of the kiddies will be able to relate to it better and it is more gender neutral) and a mix of Dino and Cars for celebration @home and Ryan's proposed birthday presents :) (Takut tak sempat nak get his present on time, so gonna buy it ahead of time and hide it under my bed)

I love the idea of brown bagging the party favours. Cool :)

My other plan is to personalize the gift boxes according to the choosen theme.

Hubby proposed on getting some personalize choc covered Oreo's instead of cupcakes as a part of the favours. Me like :) something different...

Anyway I will continue to scout for more favours ideas . Feel free to share your thoughts if you have any...
Have a good weekend everyone *muackz*


farah said...

Alah.. buat jer celebration masa birthday mak long nanti..join together2 ryan mesti lagiiii suka....ok ape...ryan turning 2... mak long turning 32...mak long tak kisah nak potong kek cars or upin ipin... sebab ryan slalu jer ajak maklong tgk cars n upin ipin kannnn !! mak long suka jer... hehehe...

~f@R~ said...

Hello the point is for Ryan to get ALL the limelight :p anyways tak best lah celebrate awal all..

farah said...

alahhh cam lah ryan kisah.... dia lagi suka celebrate ramai2.....especially ngan mak long dia...kan ryan kan....!!