Monday, January 14, 2013

Ryan's First Day of School

Let’s move on to entries for 2013 since I have posted all of the entry “hutang” from 2012 :)

Ryan started pre-school on 2 January 2012. However, Lan and I, the parents had an earlier induction with his teachers on the 29 December 2012. We were briefed on the Do’s and Don’ts, school activities (for the kids and parents), Pot Luck Friday etc. We were given the brochures of his timetable and study plans (to help parents revised curriculum with the kiddies) and later I had some Q&A session with the teachers. Everything went well on Saturday; I had about 3 days to prepare myself and Ryan (physically and mentally) for school.

We practice the normal – “my name is/nama saya Ryan Daniel”, “Teacher saya nak kencing/pergi toilet”, “Teacher saya nak air” etc. It was a bit of a challenged due to his pelatness, I have to ensure that his pronunciation is good enough to be understood. We kept on reminding him, that come Wednesday, he won’t be in his old “skool” with adik and he has a new timetable/routine/teacher that he must follow. He just said “ok-lah” :p 

Lan and I took leave on Wedneday to send Ryan to school. Despite attending orientation and being handed pamplets and what not, I totally didn’t realize that his classes started at 8.00am and not 8.30am. I only realized that very important info 15 mins before school starts :p we ended up rushing, quickly dropped Iman and Ranya at their daycare and managed to get to his school on time *phew*

The school was out of uniform in his size, so we dress him up in his best T-s and long pants (the school has a tutup aurat policy as the kids has solat classes every morning) Ryan was excited carrying his new school bag and wearing his new Batman shoes. He kept on taking out his pencil box from his bag and checking out his new colour pencils hehehe. 

Anyway, he was a total champ. We walked in and picked up his name tags at the reception areas. He gave “salam” to the teacher in charge, took off his shoes and put it in the designated area showed by the teacher and gave me a hug and said I love you. After that he coolly walked in as I was talking to his teacher (errr?? over independent ni haha). Around us there were kids screaming/thrashing and this one kid tried to ran out (the parents dropped him off and left him there :( kesian ok) but Ryan despite being one of the youngest, was not fussing at all. See there are some advantages to sending your kids to daycare :p

We stayed a bit during the “meet and greet session”. I was crossing my fingers hoping that he makes some friends (kesian nanti KR takde kawan haha) but my fears were unfounded because one of his old friends from daycare where there too. Ryan joined in the “singing & dancing session” acting to “incy wincy spider” and “chicken dance”. By then I was happy enough to leave him, but my sentimental husband decided that we shall have our breakfast across the road and come back later to check on him. We came back around 930am and the kiddies was in the middle of “berbaris”, to be segregated into classes in accordance to their age. The headmistress politely shoed the parents outside so I told Lan to just go home and come back later during going home time to ensure that Ryan knows that he must go into the daycare side of the building and not go out from the school area. When we arrived, Ryan was safely tucked in his new daycare, We didn’t pick him up to ensure that he get used to the new place.

Since we had ½ a day left, we went to watched “The Hobbit”:p Thanks Ryan for being so cool and allowing mummy and daddy to get a much deserved “movie date” outta your first day of school. Anyway, 3 weeks has passed. Nowadays, he spends a lot of his time coloring and showing dance moves to his little sisters. Hopefully, he continues to have fun in school *In Sha Allah*


Sha said...

Dah besar dah Ryan.

~f@R~ said...

ngeeeee dah tua dah mak dia :-P

twayblade said...

i rasa chicken dance tu mcm lagu wajib semua kindie la. yesterday baru imran cerita "iyan joget lagu tepuk tgn mcm ayah slalu buat tu" hahahahhaha!!!! (mesti u tgh imagine yen doing it kan? kan?)

~f@R~ said...

Ida: Yen memang suka buat action kepak ayam tu kan *geram* Yep I rasa mmg "chicken dance" tu universal.. cousins I semua pun pandai nari, diaorg siap buat "mobbed" style show last raya hahaha :p