Friday, August 15, 2008

Detox Much...

I want to go home...

I just started a detox programme last night because I don't feel so good for the past few weeks. I suspected that there must be some toxin build-up in my body, so I took an online test to check on whether I should start detoxing or not.

The following are just a few of the side effects of a toxic build-up in the body and I realised that I have a few of them including:
-Skin problems – pimples, blemishes, psoriasis, eczema, boils, acne
-Allergies - Rashes, Itching, Hives
-Weight gain and inability to lose weight
-Poor memory
-Poor digestion, gas, bloating
-Sleeping problems

I started the programme last night, which consisted of taking the really yucky sweet detox supplement for the next 7 days *urrghh* God knows if it works or not, will update on the progress later *or not*

I was told that stress partially contribute to toxin build up. How interesting.

Anyway, I'm drowning in a sea of research for both work and class. Both involved loads of jurisdictional studies and legal framework which is so hard for your mind to process esp. while your body is trying to detox (some of the side effect is you will extremely tired, have to pee a lot and your tongue will feel dry) To tell you the truth I just want to go home and sleep, but work is work, right? heheheh

On Another Note...

I was going through some articles online and I feel there is too much gripe. People complaining about this, that and more. I wonder if they know that negativity attracts more NEGATIVITY. I think we seriously should sit back and evaluate the situation and try find solutions rather than complain about everything under the sun. There is no use of complaining about the petrol price rising, crappy government or how one race is better than another, how your organisation sucks or why are you so fat etc.

What are you doing to make it better other than COMPLAIN?

Anyway before people start pulling the whole racial thing, let me remind all of you one thing. Whether you are Malay, Chinese, Indian, White, Black, Grey etc we are all children of Adam and Eve. Technically all of us are inter-related, so despite the misgiving, mistreatment etc I just don't understand why we can't get along. Maybe I'm being too idealistic but I don't see how all this restrictions and name calling are making the world a better place.

Just a thought. Have a great weekend everybody!

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