Ryan had his 1 month immunization yesterday. So Lan, Ryan and myself went to SJMC, Subang for his shots. Alhamdullilah the check up went well and Ryan barely cried so everything was A-ok :p
Since Ryan was sleeping and seem to be in a good mood, we decided to drop by Subang Parade to get some stuff, serious I was OVERLY EXCITED after 1 month not being in a mall :p First stop was Mothercare, where I spend serious money on some new clothes for Ryan and some new PJ's and nursing bra for myself. Hehehe dapat the VIP card so ok-lah, after this can accumulate points and received additional discounts on baby stuff...
Pastu we went to MPH to buy Ryan some new books, I managed to get him 2, "Fairy Tales for Little Boys" and a Nursery Rhyme book. At this point Ryan woke up looked out from his stroller and started screaming, nasib baik ada EBM so I had to feed him while walking. He was a bit restless so I had to go the "Mothers Room" to check his diapers. He started wailing and wailing, the room was nice and comfy but a bit cold so I guess he didn't like it. Thankfully he stop crying and wanted to sit in his stroller.
We managed to get all of Ryan's stuff but I didn't get the chance to get my stuff and pants for Lan. I don't want to test my luck even though Ryan was happily playing in his stroller, we did stop by McDonald's. Dapatlah makan prosperity burger. Kononnya "confinement friendly" food sebab daging and lada hitam.. hahahah Thank god no bad reaction to it :p Went straight home after that, and everyone was fussing over Ryan. Alhamdullilah Ryan tak demam
Anyway the doctor wants Ryan to gain more weight as the current weight gain is "just enough" (he gained 1 kg) so I need to review Ryan's feeding pattern... Other than that both of us are good... boleh bawak Ryan jalan2 lagi, such a good and well behaved boy...
Kinda busy at the moment planning Ryan's Aqiqah... need to get the stuff for door gift and all... bestnye :)
hi mummy ryan..
come visit our little shop
See ya!
bestkan jadi mak?hehehehehhehe
Hahah ah ah best sangat :)
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