Friday, December 26, 2014

Project Birthday 2014

PART 1 : The Party

We decided on a more low key birthday celebration for the kids this year. However, Ryan desperately wanted to celebrate his birthday with his friends so we asked his teachers permission to hold a small party at the kindy. Thank god his teachers was up for it :)

Since Ryan, Iman & Ranya's birthday is just a week apart we had a triple celebration (as always).My challenge was to merge 3 themes into one celebration or in this case one CAKE. I went to Nadibakes and she came up with this : An Elsa, Jake and Tinkerbell cake. Cute, huh?

The munchkins can't stop smiling when their friends started singing them the  birthday song.
So cute.

Cutting the cake together-gether.

My babies with their teachers and friends.

Party favors for their friends. We decided to go with the Pirates and Princess hemes. The best part of the day was the reaction from Ryan's classmates when they received the gifts from us. It was so sweet. Some came to me with the sweetest smiles and thanked Lan and I for the favors. Worth every cent I tell you :) Alhamdullilah

Ryan chose the gifts for his friends. Again we managed to avoid the "junk food" route and gifted the boys with crayons, puzzles, lego and Pirate cookies. For the girls we went with tinkerbell cups, puzzles, pirate telescopes and princess cookies.

PART 2: The Staycation

We wanted to close our 2014 with a short gateaway. However due to the unreliable weather and time constraints we decided to choose a resort close to home (30 minutes away from home to be exact) for our staycation on 20/12/2014. Sunway Resort was chosen because of its strategic location and good review. Alhamdulliah the kids had fun.

Check out our hotel review : Press Here

Ryan chose to have his birthday dinner in Fullhouse. I was quite reluctant because I've read a not so encouraging review of it online but I was proven wrong because all the food that we ordered was delicious :)

Later we all had ice cream as a treat for the birthday babies 

The celebration continued on Sunday, where we met up with atuk and nenek for their birthday lunch in Sari Ratu, Subang Parade.

 Yes it was as good as it looks :)

We sent the twins home with their grandparents and  watched The Hobbit movie with my little man. He was really into it and is now obssesed with my LOTR picture book. Yeay I have a fellow Middle Earth fan at home. 

All 3 kids are very happy and I thank Allah for giving Lan and I the means and time to celebrate their birthday together. Alhamdullilah, I am very blessed :)

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