Part 1
Some "error" on the card. They reprinted the cards so the matter was rectified in 2 days :p
Silver Lining: At least the mistake was spotted and rectified promptly with no added cost. So I won't really consider it as a problem. Blessing in disguise???
Part 2
I received a call from Uztaz Noh mentioning that another couple wishes to be married on the same day at the same time *sigh* So I have to options:-
a) have the solemnization ceremony @ the mosque @ 3.30pm
b) do it at home at 5pm.
- My dad is not to keen on doing it at 5pm because of the timing.
- I'm not to keen on doing it at 3.30pm "waiting in line" with all the other couples *sigh*. Geram because of having to go back and fro, from home to the mosque and back at home again for the "kenduri" and "photo session".
- Technically it's NOT really a problem, because the objective of the whole thing is for Lan & I to get married, right? So WHERE we get married is irrelevant as long as we get married, kan?
- I shall not jump into conclusion that the whole occasion will not be perfect due to the "extra mileage" it may involved. For all I know having the ceremony in the mosque may be an added "blessing" to our marriage (i.e: mosque = place of worship = good deeds/good aura/good karma?)
- So I'm not going to stress over it (stress causes pimples) Takde makne pun. I see no point picking a fight with everyone about this.
Part 3: Working + Studying + Getting Married
I have to co-conduct a programme on 23-24 February 3 days before my wedding. I still have to go for classes. My exam starts 2-3 weeks after my honeymoon and I still haven't started on my assignments.
I'm not panicking (yet!) I wonder if I will (maybe) Blabbing my head out (in near future)
- I'm multi-tasking doing research + completing my report (personal dateline: THIS FRIDAY)
- Working on the last minute arrangement in stages and stopping to breathe everytime I feel panicky
- Ignore the irrating buzz coming from "insensitive people" - " kenapa?, tak lawa, tak kelas, KT, KR etc" sebab itu saya malas mahu bercerita tentang marriage preparation:-
1) It's will turn out into a whole "comparing session" - (i.e why A's pelamin is nicer than C's pelamin") - Someone is bound to feel hurt (intentionally or not)
2) Don't want to promote people tambah dosa mengumpat :)
4) I seriously don't care if my wedding is not as "grand" as others, as long as Lan and I are happy, our parents are happy, I refused to play the "game" say what you will....
At the end the main goal is a lifetime of blessing, happiness, laughter, cute babies and happy family *insyallah*