Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Updates All Around...

As promised I've updated Beanie's blog. I'll update with the scan photo soon as soon as I can find the time to snap the pics. Been so busy lately and I usually only reach home at 10pm on Monday and Tuesday due to class, so by the time I'm all settle down I usually would be too lazy to do anything else.

As of last Friday I've gained the grand total of 1.4 or was it 1.6 kg throughout the whole 5 months of pregnancy. I'm not really worried because Beanie internal tissue + bone development is on par with the age (so both mummy & baby are not malnourished). Dr Delaila wasn't really concerned too. She just wanted to keep track of my weight-gain next month, so I'll try and gain at least 2-3 kg (somehow). This might pose as a problem since puasa is coming soon *hmmm* but I'm going to try and puasa penuh jugak as much as my body permits *insyallah*

I went back to Lan's kampung in Perak for a visit last Sunday. His great grandmother who has over 30++ years experience as a midwife took a look at my tummy and commented that both mummy & baby is doing fine. She did a mini lenggang perut to correct the position of Beanie + my uterus. The coolest part was she was able to detect and guess Beanie's sex correctly. I guess those kinda thing comes with experience.

Anyway after the "massage" session, my lower abdomen just feel so much better.I'm hoping that Lan's Nyang will be sihat/strong enough to do another mini massage during Raya. I'll be around 7 months then but she's 80 years old can't expect too much right :p Lan's grandmother did make a comment about my stomach being small but Lan Nyang said it's only because my kulit perut tebal and baby size is fine. She even gave me some cool "traditional" tips.

I find the whole thing ironic because the "professionals" seems to think I'm doing fine but some people (with no medical experience, no less) seems to keep going on and on about how my tummy size is unhealthy and how my baby is going to be small. They kept on asking me if I'm on a diet to "jaga badan"??

I've given up on commenting and I've taken to smiling and nodding. My non-reaction seems to pissed the shiz out of them which I find totally hilarious.. hehehe I think they are just jealous that I'm in shape *perasan, much?*


Sha said...

I think I know

~f@R~ said...

I'm seriously not going to fall for the lamest trick in the book :p

Sha said...

you don't even know what I'm implying....