I went for my medical check up with the baby daddy this morning. *Alhamdullilah* everything is fine (will update in baby's bloggie later, forgot my camera cabel)
Just wanted to share something. I'm 4 months preggers today, and I haven't gained a kg since the pregnancy and my baby bump is quite small and not really noticeable unless I'm wearing really tight fitting clothes (even then I will look more pudgy than pregnant ;p) So I was complaining to Dr Delaila about my lack of baby bump.
She told me this story :-
Dr D: Farhanna, let me tell you a story. Now with your first baby people will be busy asking where is your baby bump, for your second baby before you hit 3 months you will be wondering why is your tummy so bloated. Lepas 3-4 baby you are not pregnant pun people will be asking if you are pregnant. So you should be thankful that you haven't gained much weight.
Hahahaha...Pastu dia lak gelak so over with the nurse. I'm fine as long as baby is fine so I'm thankful *alhamdullilah* Anyway was told by the doctor that the baby don't really need extra food as it's still tiny at the moment, so any weight gain would be my weight gain instead of baby weight. So my target is to gain 1-2 kg per month from now, so that I can gain the healthy 10kg (as recommended based on my BMI) by the time I'm 9 months.Malas nak cakap lebih-lebih pun, for all I know my appetite will increased tenfold and end up gaining a gazillion weight *nauzubillah* hehehehehhehe
Anyway we had baby shower for my colleague YAH in Kokopelli, PJ during lunch time. Good food & great company. Fantastic. I love party planning!! Will insert pics later :p
Have a great weekend everyone...
u pegi lunch dekat giler ngn my house..asal tak singgah rmh i??? :)
Rajoo: its lunch time on Friday lah,some people (i.e rakyat biasa like me) need to work :p
i gained 20kilos...heheh. nafsu makan mcm puaka. tak payah laa set target 10kg, 15kg. as long as not more than 20kg, sbb nanti susah ooo nak turun balik. i still have 3kg more to shed. sigh.
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